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Edly's Music Theory for Practical People, 3rd edition; Ed Roseman (Musical Edventures)

Edly's Music Theory for Practical People, 3rd edition; Ed Roseman (Musical Edventures)

Edly's Music Theory for Practical People

By Ed Roseman, with illustrations by Peter Reynolds

Called "somewhere between Dr. Suess and PC for Dummies," yet Berklee and Juilliard faculty endorsed, Edly's Music Theory for Practical People is for anyone, teen to adult, who wants to enjoy learning what's going on inside music. This includes players and singers of any level desiring a deeper appreciation of music-- rock 'n' rollers wanting broader musical horizons, jazzers needing more knowledge of chords and scales, theory students needing supplementary help, or classically trained folks wanting to branch into popular styles or to read from fake books. The book begins simply - and at the beginning, reassuring and encouraging the reader through topics including modes, chord substitution, transposition, and much more. Each topic is accompanied by an explanation of what it is, how it's used, and why it is helpful.

The new third edition is 25% longer with 7 new chapters for more advanced readers. Original chapters are heavily revised, with updated and improved layout, and hip, witty graphics.

Weight: 1.2 lbs
Book Type: Music Theory
Publisher: Musical Edventures
In Stock
